Mar 26, 2010
Join Dave and Barry as they celebrate their 150th Episode!
Green Lantern Starts Filming,Team Comicana,Secret Wars in the Shetlands! and SGU news
Week That Was
Black Panther, Lost, Siege issue 2 and Caprica
A Spoiler free and a Spoiler filled review of the the Kick Ass comic and the movie adaptation.
Hi, geek syndicate, love the show, watched every episode (except the interviews, just not interested) but i just want to say one thing. A child swearing... why is it worse than an adult swearing? because surely that\'s about morals, and morals don\'t change when you become an adult. Why is it ok to tell a child not to swear and then say it\'s ok after some arbitrary date? people don\'t swear because its offensive. It doesn\'t become less offensive when it\'s coming from an adult. Is it ok to be offensive when you\'re an adult? Telling a kid not to have sex until they\'re old enough is good because sex is a good thing, but it requires a good level of maturity or it can be dangerous, both physically and emotionally. Swearing doesn\'t require anything and is inherently bad. It\'s designed to be bad and will always have the same effect, no matter what age you are or however mature you may be.