Sep 24, 2011
In which our
star crossed crew set sail to explore the mmm-agical...
mmm-ysterious... and mmm-agnificent [Barry White - Hit It!] 'world
of LO-o-O-O-o-O-o-O-O-o-O-O-o-
[Oh, yeah - now put it in the background... just like that, baby...
OOH!... Yeah...]
This episode we talk a bit about torrid and horrid teen fiction,
from Twilight to - well, we don't get much further on that part to
be honest. Mattie is obsessed.
Stepping away from the soppy stuff we touch on themes of profound
friendship, burning passion and doomed love before finally getting
down and dirty (and giggling a lot) with a big talk about
sex. [Oh yeah, baby]
Along the way we also find ourselves discussing inter-genre
snobbery, unusual sexual positions, beetle licking and cinema
Near the start we mention a new podcast called Filmsploitation, run by a good friend of
ours, Mr Phil Hobden. I heartily recommend you check them
Beware: Contains euphamisms and really scary mental
images. This podcast could scar you. For