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In 2006, the Geek Syndicate was born. And who came roaring out but a pair of crazy-yet-loveable geeks by the names David “Monts” Monteith and Barry “Nuge” Nugent. Producing a weekly (well most of the time) podcast celebrating and commenting all aspects of geek life GS is one of the longest running geek related podcasts in the UK. It’s critically acclaimed, irreverent, touching, intellectual, nonsensical, fairly drunken, incredibly sexy, hilarious…er…and stuff.

May 13, 2011

BOOM! That's right people after nearly two months of being on hiatus the boys are back in town and back in front of their mics.

Their ongoing mission has not changed, to guide you through the murky underbelly of geekdom.

Sit back and enjoy because, like the Jedi, Geek Syndicate has returned!


Star Trek take on Bin LadenHuman Target is Cancelled,Superman Beyond,Total Recall Remake,Wonder Woman pilot in doubt and Flashpoint

Week That Was

Fear ItselfThorgalGotham CentralHarry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Doctor Who Episodes 1 -3 and Thor the Movie

Notes from Nuge