Jun 27, 2011
Scrolls Book Group: Jennifer Government
Dion and Phil are joined by Carey 'Two-Monkeys'
from Geektress and Matt 'The Grampus'
from Dissecting
Worlds to discuss near-future anti-capitalist satirical
romp Jennifer
Government, by Max Barry.
Spoilers abound, so as ever for these Book Group Specials you will
get the most enjoyment if you read the book first. Don't feel
you have to strain the bank though - why not help Save The
Libraries and order in your copy as soon as
possible. The book is a quick read and a lot of fun.
The next 'normal' episode of Scrolls will be recording soon on the
theme of 'Gods and Sods' and the next Book Group Special is planned
for September, featuring the brand new volume in the Game of
Thrones saga A Dance
With Dragons.
We'd value your feedback via e-mail at scrolls@hotmail.co.uk or via twitter
@Scrollscast and you can follow our general banter @Dion_Scrolls
and @Phlambler if you like.
Keep reading!