Mar 26, 2007
Here we are at last our 25th episode. Unlike Captain America’s 25th issue I doubt we’re going to hit the mainstream media. So how do celebrate this milestone? Why by recording possibly our worst episode yet. The fault of this can be laid at the feet of former friend to the show….whisky. So prepare to cringe as we...
Mar 23, 2007
In this special episode of Comic Book Noise we were interviewed by
it's host Derek Coward. The interview was done back in Feb and we
know some of our forum members may have heard this but for all you
others we thought you might like to hear it.....enjoy!!!
Apologies to those who have already heard this.
Mar 19, 2007
Warning!!! This episode contains swearing from
the outset and moderate violence(of the dry slap variety).
This episode also has scenes of ranting on Stargate Sg1, the initiative and Harry Potter. There are also reviews of the Lost Room and The Prestige as well as a new feature �Comics for Beginners�.
Mar 12, 2007
Another Monday, another episode. In this week's adventure through geekdom we discuss further Indy 4 revelations,Doctor Who auction and Shazam the movie. We also uncover the beginnings of a world wide conspiracy,find a hidden watchmen treat and discuss the big big news event that hit the comics world this week. We also...
Mar 5, 2007
Thanks to the travesty that was Civil War Frontline 11 the Dark Syndicate make an unwelcome return. Despair as they rant on just about everything including, the proposed new Star Trek movie, A new hairstyle to rival Tom Hanks' Da Vinci code wig of doom, Lost and an new mind control device masquerading as a gaming...