Jun 30, 2009
This month we chat about PS Home upsurge in users, the first screens for Max Payne 3 and the latest game to be given the Hollywood treatment.
In our review section - Buy, Rent or Avoid we give our thoughts on Resident Evil 5,...
Jun 29, 2009
In a desperate attempt to catch up the guys review three of the
latest progs, 1638, 1639 and 1640. A tearful farewall is said to
Zombo, everyone gets a little over excited at the prospect of
origins, and they decide that Cradlegrave is probably really good
and they are just too dumb to get it.
Prog 6 from...
Jun 26, 2009
Welcome to another 55 minutes of Geek Entertainment with Dave and
News: Smallville casting
news and Buzz Aldin and the Rocket Experience
Week that was: MSG 4 touch
on the iphone(reviewed by Dave!!!!), Chuck, Robin Hood, The Fixer,
Dick Turpin and the Restless Dead, Sisterhood, Dark Reign: agents
of agent and...
Jun 23, 2009
Welcome to episode 2 of Small Press Big Mouth where Stace is full
of wine and Lee is full of erm, hot air.
This episode we review Blankets by Craig Thompson, Fetishman,
Western by Accent UK and Robots And That and a sneaky last minute
review of Lowborn.
All in all 34 minutes of awesome small press reviews...
Jun 18, 2009
Welcome to another 55 minutes of Geek goodness for your mp3
News: Primeval cancelled, an old enemy for a new doctor?
and Indy 5 is coming people
Bristol Con interview: Moonface Press
Week that was: The Fixer, Ashes to Ashes, Hound of the
Baskervilles , Final Crisis Aftermath: Escape, The Life and Times
of Tim...