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In 2006, the Geek Syndicate was born. And who came roaring out but a pair of crazy-yet-loveable geeks by the names David “Monts” Monteith and Barry “Nuge” Nugent. Producing a weekly (well most of the time) podcast celebrating and commenting all aspects of geek life GS is one of the longest running geek related podcasts in the UK. It’s critically acclaimed, irreverent, touching, intellectual, nonsensical, fairly drunken, incredibly sexy, hilarious…er…and stuff.

Feb 26, 2007

Well after our massive 3 part anniversary episode we move onto our other big event (no not civil war issue 8).. our listener of the month. We welcome Eric aka the question from the forum and he gives his thoughts on Smallville (well why wouldn�t he?).We chat about, the new justice league movie, a remake of a...

Feb 23, 2007

Well this is it folks part 3 of our 20th anniversary draws to a close with some heated discussions over Batman Begins as well as Superman Returns, Constantine and V for Vendetta to name a few. We then look forward to what's coming on the DC movie front. We also take a quick look at some of the DC inspired fan films that...

Feb 21, 2007

After the high points of Superman I & II we descend into the DC comics to Movies dark times which include Supergirl,Steel,Batman & Robin, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and last and always least Catwoman. Hope you enjoy this 2nd part of out mammoth 3 part 20th anniversary special. As an extra we've also included...

Feb 19, 2007

Who would have thought it? Here we are celebrating our 20th episode. In the first of a three part special on top of the usual stuff(yes smallville does get mentioned) we talked about DC Comic inspired movies. Joining the party is non geek extraordinaire Amaechi.

Enjoy and roll on episode 50!!!

Feb 12, 2007

In this episode we pose some serious questions
How can an innocent  mail order comic catalogue be mistaken for porn?
Giant spiders in Role Playing Games for the PC...why?
How would we treat each other in a disaster movie situation?..(the answer is not good).
Why are we having to air a second apology this time to an...