Sep 30, 2017
Barry aka Nuge decides to expand the Notes from Nuge podcast into his random thoughts from the world of geekdom.
This week he celebrates International Podcast Day (What Better way to launch a new podcast on) and Thunderbirds Day. There is also a review of Half Past Danger: Dead to Reichs Issue 1 and a Notes from...
Sep 29, 2017
This is Bags of Action. The podcast devoted to action movies, both old and new, but all of them are awesome! In this episode Steve and Pete talk about the 2014 film, Kingsman: The Secret Service, starring a huge cast of British actors in this action homage to James Bond films.
Sep 29, 2017
This week on the USS Geek Syndicate Join Captain Monts and First office Nuge in another podcasting trek into geekdom.
Into the Badlands season 3 casting.
Main: The lads...
Sep 27, 2017