Mar 26, 2010
Join Dave and Barry as they celebrate their 150th Episode!
Green Lantern Starts Filming,Team Comicana,Secret Wars in the Shetlands! and SGU news
Week That Was
Black Panther, Lost, Siege issue 2 and Caprica
A Spoiler free and a Spoiler filled review of the the Kick Ass comic and the movie...
Mar 22, 2010
What's this an episode of Small Press Big Mouth out on time? Yes, yes it is and covering diverse and wonderous comics such as Trenchfoot, Crossed, Crystal Clear and Doctor McNinja where else would you go for all your small and indie press needs? Also featuring music from the utterly fabulous The Stillwells you...
Mar 16, 2010
* Lara Croft Gets a Road
* Online Gaming On the Up
* Plants Vs Zombies Sales
* The Sony Playstation Move
* 3D Gaming in June?
* Just Cause 2
Buy Rent Avoid
* Aliens Vs Predator
* Borderlands
* Dragon Age: Origins
* X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Mar 15, 2010
Mar 15, 2010
In this episode, Rich and a virtual Flint talk to 2000AD's Graphic Novels editor Keith Richardson after bitching about not being able to get certain trades in the last one. Wanna know whats coming out over the next year? Wanna know how the Meg stories will feature in the Case Files? Wanna know who's been cast as Dredd...