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In 2006, the Geek Syndicate was born. And who came roaring out but a pair of crazy-yet-loveable geeks by the names David “Monts” Monteith and Barry “Nuge” Nugent. Producing a weekly (well most of the time) podcast celebrating and commenting all aspects of geek life GS is one of the longest running geek related podcasts in the UK. It’s critically acclaimed, irreverent, touching, intellectual, nonsensical, fairly drunken, incredibly sexy, hilarious…er…and stuff.

Jul 17, 2008

Welcome to our penultimate episode before we head off for a short summer break. So without further ado let's hit the world of geekdom with a good old right hook!


The Return of Artemis Fowl.

30 Days of Nights's follow up web series.

Primeval roars into the U.S.

Clone Wars backstory revelations.

David Monteith vs Buzz Aldrin and NASA.

Geek Syndicate's nemesis EPOCH rears it's head once again.

Back in time at the Bristol Comic Convention

Liam Sharp of MAMTOR! (pronounced MAMTOOOOOOOR!)

Notes from Nuge and Max the Cat

Indy 4 (A young hero on the rise).

Week that Was

Four feet from a rat (Comic from MAMTOR).

Delve into the world of Paranormal State (TV).

Gotham Knight (DVD).

Main feature

Journey back with the guys to 1999 when the world was at the brink of the apocalypse. They look at some of the movies and tv that were out in that year.


The Secret Quotation will be revealed next episode!