Jun 29, 2012
he quarrelsome Northerners are joined by MOMBCAST stalwart James falling in behind the Eagle standard to dissect and consider the alternative histories of Rome and the Roman Empire. Inspired by the History of Rome podcast they march in a less than straight road through:
* The Punic Wars (including the alternate history 'Hannibal's
* Roman history as a game of Total War
* The Porous nature of Rome to people and ideas
* Why couldn't the Greeks get their act together?
* School nativity plays and the Dallas and Dynasty appeal of the
* Agrippa the Immortal
* The fickle survival and destruction of Republics and
* Why not to let Commodus run & ruin your Empire.
* The Marian reforms and the dangers of a professional miltiary
(with thanks to Will Self.)
* They debate irresistible nature of monotheism and
Time-Travelling Popes
* Mad Max and the fall of the West
* Julian the Apostate (Our hero, he's dreamy, titter yee not!)
The Romanitas Trilogy Timeline can be found
here: http://www.romanitas.com/text/
The History of Rome podcast can be found here: http://thehistoryofrome.
We welcome comments and corrections (including audio files for our
conclusion ep) to dissectingworlds(at)yahoo(dot)