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In 2006, the Geek Syndicate was born. And who came roaring out but a pair of crazy-yet-loveable geeks by the names David “Monts” Monteith and Barry “Nuge” Nugent. Producing a weekly (well most of the time) podcast celebrating and commenting all aspects of geek life GS is one of the longest running geek related podcasts in the UK. It’s critically acclaimed, irreverent, touching, intellectual, nonsensical, fairly drunken, incredibly sexy, hilarious…er…and stuff.

Feb 8, 2013

Joined by uber-feedbacker Peter Hammerson regulars Matt and Kehaar review the series on Alternative History including:
* Victorious Nazis in DC comics and Others
* Kim Stanley Robinson & the Human Condition.
* Red Son and other Superhero Alternatives
* African Americans in the American War of Independence
* Mary Seacroft, the Crimea, the teaching of history and lost alternatives 
* %@#! Sliders
* Steampunk - it's a design aesthetic stupid!
* American Civil War vs Quentin Tarantino
* Elizabethan Alternates coming out of the fall of Rome
* Technothrillers, Clive Cussler and The Scorpion.
Links mentioned: 
* Jordon Harbour's "Twilight Histories" Podcast
*The Ayn Rand filibuster:
* The Alternative History Weekly Update Blog
Feedback welcome at
 or @dissectingwrlds